May 20, 2020
The sidewalk frescoes are back on Principale
For a second year, gigantic frescoes will brighten up the sidewalks of Principale Street as part of the “ephemeral spaces”…
February 20, 2020
Entrevue – Mac Miller – 2020
Voici une entrevue ou je parle de ce qui m’as motivé à peindre une oeuvre en hommage à mac Miller, un artiste qui…
February 20, 2020
Interview – Mac Miller – 2020
In this video I am talking about the mural I did to commemorate Mac Miller, an artist that really inspired me.…
August 27, 2018
Creative TRND Mural
I was asked to do a mural inspired by Social media , networking and creativity. I used alot of vibrant colors and sharp…
August 27, 2018
Murale chez Creative TRND
On m’a demandé de réaliser une murale inspirée des réseaux sociaux et la créativitée. J’ai utilisé des couleurs…